She also graduated form her Great Wall Chinese Language class Kindergarten level. Her teacher Yuhong Wang is fantastic and taught them so much.

And, she graduated from Pre-school at the Asian American Cultural Center's Magic Dragon program.
We are very proud of her. And she is so happy that she gets to go to Kindergarten in August. "her new school" I enrolled her in the Montessori school across the street from where she goes now so she can get picked up by the van and taken after school to the AACC after school program where many of her friends will also attend. This way she and Ying Li will get to play together at the end of the day also.

This is Kathryn, she and Mei Li share a cubbie and have lots of fun together.

The Magic Dragon graduates got to have a ride in a van around the parking lot- the limo forgot that it was supposed to pick them up.
but it was fine because they also had a petting zoo. Mei Li held a rabbit and a chicken and pet a cow. She also rode a pony.

This is Dane "Dane Dane" as we know him. We have known him for a long time. In the first photo that I have of Mei Li on her first day at daycare, he is sitting in a high chair in the background.

This is Jayden, apparently some of the girls want to marry him.

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