Well, the pool has gone from a constant digging to an actual concrete pool with cool deck and river rock around the edges.
Thank God there is something to see progress with!
We had to re-do our homestudy, get local non criminal reports, non child abuse reports, medical letters stating we were free of communicable disease and give info to the social worker so she could re-do it.
We'll send in the new I-600A as soon as we get the homestudy.
Our fingerprints expire this month and our I-171H expires in January and it is so unlikely we will get our daughter before then- so thus the re-do.
We are officially 1 year in the waiting process from our LID to China, but it is actually longer as we sent it back in August of last year.
Yesterday our FCC group held their Moon Festival at the Children's Museum, with a book reading, dancers and Red Thread display.
The red thread was strung along the staircase and families attached a copy of a photo of the foster parent, passport or referral photo to link their child to China- many children chose the item themselves.
After the festival, Mei Li and I walked to a gellato (sp) place and she picked out PINK- can you believe it gellato. It was good and we sat outside at tables near the street and she was SO PROUD! She told me everyone could see she "has pink ice cream".
On the way there I was trying to find a parking place and pulled into a space and say a homeless guy passed out in the doorway in front of us.
I decided to back out and she asked why so I told her I saw a man asleep in the doorway near the street.
She said, "Oh, he's waiting for his mommy to come get him".
I explained he was a grown up. She insisted his mommy would come and get him.
Part of me wished the same.